Friday, April 27, 2007

The Rivalry Continues

Right away, the second you read the title, I'd bet that you thought I was referring to Yankees-Red Sox. Well, if you came to this blog looking for stone cold baseball analysis, statistics, and expert opinions(as the blog's address would say), I'm sorry to say that you are sadly mistaken. The rivalry I'm thinking of is one that doesn't occur on a baseball diamond, a dugout, or a bench. Its one that happens in the mind of one of one of the greatest thinkers in Western civilization. You see, Mr. Rodriguez is constantly trying to answer a question that has plagued him for so long-"how good should I do tonight?" In all His glory, even A-Rod must answer the tough ones. Should he go all out and break Hank Aaron's home run record in a single inning? How many strikes should he intentionally let go by to make himself look human? So before you judge Him, put yourself in His shoes-you wouldn't want to steal the spotlight from everyone. Or maybe you would. I'm not here to judge, I'm here to speak the truth. And the truth is that A-Rod is a God among mortals, and we're just here for the ride. Amen.

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