Monday, April 30, 2007

An A-Rod sized top ten list

The other night, I was watching TV when I noticed a horrible flaw in our nation's media-not enough Rod. I mean, sure, he has ESPN, the YES network kiss-ups, and the Prayer Channel (yea, some people can dream), but that's not enough. So I thought, with this incredible tool of media that up to 4 people read on a given day (this blog), I thought to myself "I must correct this injustice". After not doing anything for a few days, I decided to use my mind to come up with an incredibly original idea-- the daily (probably not going to happen everyday, sorry) top ten list. So here it is, the very first installment:

The Top Ten Things A-Rod can't do

10. Like being Jeter's teammate

9. Enjoy playing 3rd base

8. Hit in the post-season**

7. Play for real (not fair at ALL)

6. Run out of money, ever

5. Fail

4. This is a trick question, right?

3. Not say "I'm very relaxed and comfortable this year" at an interview, no matter what question he's asked

2. Guys

1. Die

**sorry for post 8, but some asshole Met fan snuck onto my computer and added it. Thankfully, he is not alive anymore, partially due to me shooting and killing him. Again, sorry.

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